Bubuk Daun Kelor Kering

Bubuk Daun Kelor Kering merupakan sumber antioksidan, antiradang, vitamin, mineral, asam amino, asam lemak, dan masih banyak lagi yang ampuh. Bubuk yang halus, murni, dan kaya nutrisi ini akan mendukung kesehatan Anda secara keseluruhan, secara organik.

Starter - 45 grams
Rp 320.000 IDR
90 gram
Rp 540.000 IDR
180 gram
Rp 990.000 IDR
  • Sustained Energy & Vitality – Provides natural, long-lasting energy without caffeine crashes, thanks to its high iron and B-vitamin content.
  • Cellular Repair & Longevity – Rich in antioxidants and polyphenols that combat oxidative stress, supporting healthy aging and overall resilience.
  • Gut Health & Inflammation Support – Contains prebiotic fiber and bioactive compounds that promote digestion, reduce bloating, and help balance gut flora.
  • Brain Health & Cognitive Function – Packed with amino acids, iron, and antioxidants that enhance focus, memory, and cognitive clarity—without stimulants.
  • Immune System Strengthening – A natural source of quercetin, vitamin C, and zinc, which help fortify the body’s defenses against environmental stressors.
  • Skin Health & Radiance – Supports healthy skin from the inside out with vitamin A, E, and plant-based compounds that promote hydration and regeneration.
How to Use
  • Dosage: Start with 1/3 teaspoon (1g) daily, taken with or after meals. Increase gradually to 1 teaspoon (3g) as your body adjusts.
  • Consumption Methods: Mix into water, juice, smoothies, or herbal teas. Sprinkle over salads, soups, or blend into your favorite recipes for a nutrient boost.
  • Ingredients: 100% Organic Moringa Oleifera Leaf (Stem-Free)
  • No Additives or Fillers – Just pure, nutrient-dense moringa.
  • Regeneratively Grown & Hand-Harvested – Sourced from Treelogy’s organic farm, where moringa thrives in volcanic-rich soil.
  • Stem-Free Purity – Each leaf is meticulously hand-separated from stems to ensure consistent moisture and nutrient density.
  • Low-Temperature Dehydration – Leaves are gently dried at 38°C for 22 hours, preserving essential nutrients for maximum potency.
Precaution of Use
  • Adjust Intake Gradually – Start with a smaller dose if new to moringa.
  • Medical Considerations – Consult a healthcare professional if pregnant, nursing, or on medication.
Kami menerima:

Bagaimana Cara Produksinya

Ditanam secara etis dengan pertanian regeneratif oleh petani berdedikasi di pertanian bersertifikat organik kami, produk moringa kami memberikan nutrisi dan saripati perawatan yang unik, menjadikannya unggul baik dalam kualitas maupun dampak.

Dipanen saat Fajar

Kami mulai memanen pohon kelor saat matahari terbit. Waktu ini sangat penting karena memastikan daun berada pada tingkat kelembapan dan kandungan nutrisi yang optimal, sehingga potensi manfaat kesehatannya dapat termanfaatkan sepenuhnya.

Kemurnian Bebas Batang

Setelah panen, masyarakat kami dengan cermat memisahkan setiap daun dari batangnya dengan tangan. Proses ini sangat penting untuk memastikan kadar air yang konsisten pada produk akhir tanpa membuat daun terlalu kering. Proses ini menjamin kemurnian dan kualitas moringa kami.

Dehidrasi Suhu Rendah

Untuk mempertahankan retensi nutrisi yang optimal, kami mengolah daun langsung di tempat. Setelah mencuci dan memeras kelebihan air, kami mengeringkan daun pada suhu terkontrol 38°C selama 22 jam. Metode yang cermat dan tepat ini mengunci nutrisi penting dari daun kelor, memastikan produk akhir yang unggul.


Customer Reviews

Based on 53 reviews
Convenience and quality

Takes getting used to the taste at first, but once i got used to it, i found it so convenient, i usually add a teaspoon into green tea!

Love this product!

I’ve been using the morninga powder for almost 6 months now and I love it! Just knowing the amount of minerals you are getting just by adding a teaspoon to your smoothie just makes it so easy, convenient and feel really good. The touch of spiciness of it give you a nice small kick.

Recommend it to everyone!

Love this product

I was curious to try moringa. I like to try new things and I especially love anything that is beneficial and doesn’t set you back during the day. I drink it every morning over ice and sometimes I add some matcha powder to it. I’ve stopped drinking my iced lattes and I feel so much better now.

Kualitasnya oke, rasa masih bisa ditoleransi

Jujur awalnya ragu minum moringa cuma pakai air, tapi ternyata nggak seburuk yang gue kira. Rasanya fresh, nggak terlalu pahit, dan efeknya kerasa banget di badan!

Debbie S
Helps With Your Recovery

I work out regularly and have been using this moringa powder to help with muscle recovery. I’ve noticed less soreness and better endurance, which is a huge win. It’s become a staple in my post-workout routine!